Golden Key Blogging Facebook vs. Twitter: Which to Use for Your Business

Facebook vs. Twitter: Which to Use for Your Business

There are many social media platforms to choose from when it comes to generating growth for your business. Each platform has its unique quality to help a business promote its activities and be recognized in the market. The more popular choices are Facebook and Twitter, and both of these platforms offer many unique benefits for any business. Facebook is more focused on connecting with friends and families and sharing content more in visual forms such as photos and general lifestyle-related content. On the other hand, Twitter is more towards giving insight into popular and trending topics and content geared towards news and information relating to a market or industry. Both platforms provide different options and features to explore, making it difficult to conclude which platform is better suited for a business.

To ensure growth on both platforms, businesses must strive to get the maximum followers and engagements to their accounts. There are different ways to address this on the platforms. If you’re looking to get more followers fast consider exploring how to make Twitter bots for your account. The following article summarizes some of the benefits of using Facebook and Twitter for your account and tries to explain which platform is more suited for a business.

Facebook vs. Twitter Reach

First, it is important to establish your potential reach when using the platforms by looking at different demographic data from reliable sources.

According to reports, 24% of US adults have accounts on Twitter, with around 40% of these adults are aged between 18-29. Additionally, less than 20% of the accounts relate to individuals over the age of 50. In contrast, around 70% of US adults have accounts on Facebook and 80% of these accounts are related to people aged 18-29. On top of that, around 65% of accounts are of people aged more than 50.

While on paper it may seem Facebook is the clear winner, it is important to note that the ratio of younger people using the platform is declining since they prefer the more trendy platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. Older people are more reliant on the app.

Facebook vs. Twitter for Businesses

Twitter seems to be the better option if your business is targeted toward the younger generation since there are still many young people who rely heavily on the app to search for business-related accounts, or to buy items from. If your audience is more aged 50 and above, consider using Facebook instead.

Additionally, accounts on Facebook rely on slow growth and should be chosen if you are targeting long-term success, as ultimately the platform has many more users and will provide more engagement when your business starts to grow to a certain level. Growth on Twitter on the other hand is much faster, with more engagements expected at the start as compared to Facebook, however, there will be a certain point after which it would be more difficult to grow on the platform compared to Facebook.

One big advantage that Facebook has over Twitter is its advertisement campaigns, which are regarded as the best when compared with other social media platforms. It allows unique features such as targeted ads and has a much larger audience with a far greater reach to be established for your business.


When comparing both platforms, it would seem that Facebook is more suited to doing business as it is more recognized in the market, and has more features. However, some businesses would be more suited to be promoted on Twitter, as it will be a more suitable platform for their business. The choice would be up to you, after analyzing the unique benefits of both platforms.

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How does Instagram work for business?How does Instagram work for business?

Businesses on Instagram are thriving now more than ever. Instagram has provided them with a platform where they can not only build a social media presence, but they can easily attain insights and sell their products through the medium. Instagram constantly brings about evolutionary and helpful new tools to majorly change the way business owners can go about their businesses. All you need is an accurate marketing strategy and a business that you actually want to work on. Instagram will handle the rest. You will efficiently be able to boost your brand and your sales by promoting your products and services on the social media platform. Thus, Instagram is in fact an effective tool for you to do your business form and if you want to access more authentic information on the Instagram experience, SimplyGram is the best option for you. Now let us discuss how Instagram works for business.

Business on Instagram

In order to make Instagram work for your business, you have to follow a few steps at the start. The steps are as follows:

  1. Create a business account on Instagram. In the settings, tap on “switch to business profile” and your business account will be activated.
  2. Add professional and good quality photos to enhance the way your profile looks. This will make sure that you attract large majorities.
  3. Use Instagram stories. This will give your business a face and will show the audiences that the profile is authentic and run by actual people. You will be able to gather a greater following with the help of this.
  4. By streaming live videos, you are able to interact with your customers and audience and can easily communicate with them also through the questions that they can ask you in real-time.
  5. Interacting with other users and businesses may help you gather support and help for your business. Pairing up with strong influencers and celebrities will also help your business.
  6. Advertising on Instagram enables you to generate greater sales and profits by putting your products out there for people to take a look at, and finally purchase. The promotion on Instagram is extremely effective.

These are some of the ways Instagram can work for businesses, however, through these ways Instagram ensures the creation of a positive brand image for your business, along with a strong and loyal customer base. It ensures that your brand has a face and that customer engagement can be effectively carried out without any hurdles.


Consequently, it is concluded that Instagram is a major tool that helps businesses thrive and it is an actual place that works for businesses and not just a myth. If you want to advertise your business and ensure that it is positioned perfectly in the minds of your target audience, make sure that you make use of a community like Instagram because of its efficiency in targeting the right people for the right reasons!

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